Day One
Hola amigos!
I suppose I should hold my tongue with only the experience of one international flight under my belt, but I really couldn't understand how people whinge about the flying so much. I suppose the novelty will wear off soon enough, but god damn me if I wasn't having fun. Back at home, I would jump at the chance to set in a big, comfy reclining chair, watching 'on demand' DVD's and tv shows while pleasant, smiling people bring me meals, snacks, chocolate and free alcohol ;) It reminds me of being home again, except 30000 up in the air and maybe without the booze.
The only downside was geting a sore ass from sitting for too long, and possibly there should be a 25% ticket price reduction scheme in place for passangers who had to sit within a 10 metre radius of a screaming baby..

Im pretty jet-lagged and dizzy but San Fancisco absolutely blew my mind today! It's vibrant, multi-cultural (more hispanics, african-americans and chinese in my part of town than whitties!)and buzzing with energy. I have arrived the day after thanks giving (which is a massive sale day like boxing day apparently), disembarking from my first train ride into what was possibly the most dense, seething mass of humanity I have ever experienced. (Though there was that time on the Yarra bridge....)
After a midday jet-lag-induced emotional breakdown in my hostel room, I hit the streets on foot and soon found myself lost in what I am told is the world's largest Chinatown (outside of China of course), where there were long streets lined with uncountable numbers of shops selling exotic fruits and unidentifiable dried food stuffs. Live crabs and fried ducks heads gave equally disconcerting stares at passerby's, but no-one aside from my self seemed too distressed.

Desperatly trying to avoid the tourist frenzy at Fishermans Wharf, I ended up sneaking around seedy back alleys between the working fishing wharehouses on the northern shore-line of the city. Somehow , a giant starfish that had been pressed perfectly flat underneath the tire of a truck was more interesting to me than any of the gaudy amusements on the peer. I did see a group of latinos giving me death stares then so I quitely left that shit-stinky alleyway. Interestingly,along the water edge of this commercial area I was greeted by some of the most striking and unobscured views of the golden-gate bridge and alcatraz island that I think can be found in the city. (I vaguely rememeber seeing a movie about alcartraz when I was younger but is it actually still opperating as a prison?)
The highlight of the day though had to be two black street performers who were funky robot dancing and cutting some sick moves to late 70's/early 80's electro - stuff like prince and midnight star. They were almost completely covered in silver paint, and wearing huge black sunglasses. Amazingly, they would keep dancing and spinning on milk crates while small children approached nervously to offer them dollar bills, to which they would offer back lollipops, but then jerk it around so that the kids couldn't quite grab it each time they went for it. It was so cute! Even more amazingly, oneof the performers brought on his 7 or 8 year old son who proceeded to start doing some of the sickest breakdancing I have ever seen, while shouting "I'm a freakazoid! IM A FREAKAZOID!! TURN ME ON BABY!!!" These guys put to shame every other street performer I have ever seen! Sorry other street performers.
As I staggered back to my hostel just now, I passed local club Ruby Skye where I saw flyers up saying that Dj Sasha is playing tonight. Luckily, it is within a one block stumbling distance of where I am staying on Post St. Im keen to go but quite afraid of what will happen if I dont go to sleep NOW.
Over and out
Hi Luke,
Got the laptop up and running this arvo and was amazed that you had done so much in such a short time. Photos look good. I will write to your email address now.
HI Luke,
I'm at your ex-house with your parents, who are working hard in 40 degree heat- with no tea breaks!
Sorry we didn't get to see borat- I went the other night though and it was pretty funny.
Photos look great- hope you're having an awesome time!
Yeah, San Francisco's great hey - when you get really deep into Chinatown it's like being in another country.
Alcatraz has been closed for 30 or 40 years. It's worthwhile to go to as a tourist attraction in the afternoons. 50% of it just the views back to the city and the Golden Gate bridge.
On a Sunday, see if you can track down the church of Saint John Coltrane - I don't know which area it's in, I think somewhere south of Market st. The services are fire and brimstone combined with free jazz. Michael went there and said it was great.
thanks aubrey, its sunday tomorrow so maybe ill pay a visit and let jesus was away my sins
Hey Felix! Dont worry bout Borat, I saw it with my parents that night.
Hey "M" !
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