Winter blues

Due to rainy weather the last two days and not owning any waterproof gear I have pretty much been mooching around the hostel and venturing out only for bagles and coffee. Purchased a digital camera today though.
I have to get the shuttle to LA tomorrow at midday which is unfortunate because I have hardly scratched the surface of what you can do here in SF. Will try to do a quick tour of Alcatraz tomorrow morning though if there is time. Have met some greats Brits and Swedes but I find it really hard to hang out with people when you know that you will be leaving in one day and probably will never see them again. Have a nice life I would like to just appreciate the moment for what it is but I stuggle with this.
Flying out of LA for Mexico City on Wednesday so only one night in LA. Hoping I will see Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan stumbling out into the gutter but I think Courtny Love is the best I can hope for.
Hi Luke,
Loving the vicarious trip so far!
Its incredible how much ground you can cover when travelling. SF looks beautiful, great photos with brilliant colours, its definitely one of the cities I'd love to visit.
Looking forward next, to your impressions of LA!
Hey Luke! I'm in such a rush now so can't write too much now. I promise to write more later! But for now, One Word: AMAZING!!!
Luv ya,
Sin Sin
Thanks Sin Sin!
How are you going? Hope all is well with you. Im having a great time in Mexico so far.
Check back soon for more travel reports ;)
Love, Luke
P.S. Is the CD finsihed yet?
P.P.S Thanks anonymous. ???
Its me!
What happened to LA?
The pyramids look amazing but imagining it vascularised by sacrificial blood is chilling! The heights of knowledge and beauty achieved by this civilisation are truly incredible.It seems that such paradoxes are, if not a necessary condition of life, at least a prevalent one.
The photos continue being great and its good to see you included in one. I'm enjoying learning about the places your visiting, very eye-opening!
Hi luke nice postings, hope you are injoying the next leg of your journey, i'll be writeing you an email in about a minute. cheers!
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