The Highs and the lows: Part II

I awoke at 8:47 am on Boxing Day, I remember looking at my watch and wondering why I felt so quesy in my stomach. The sound of my Italian neighbours in the next Bungalow jabbering away in their usual spirited manner started to irritate me alot, like when you have a bad hangover and everything is piercing into your brain. Did I metion that there are heaps of italians here? They are everywhere! They are lovely but when they get together they are so loud and rambunctious sometimes you just want them to shut up. (Still I would like to learn some basic Italian and join in the fun).
I racked my brain trying to remember what I had eaten seafood whatsoever....but..pasta with cream sauce...oh dear, that cant be good...and didnĀ“t I accidently swallow some water in the shower yesterday? Oh dear......not good...
Within about 60 minutes I had a fever and was collapsed out on the bed sweating profusely. I was feeling very afraid because ther was no-one around who could speak English and there is no hospital for ages around. I was wondering if maybe I had Malaria because I had been mauled by bastard mosquitos that week. My friend got Malaria in South America and collapsed the exact same way. I felt so nauseous I just wanted to die. It was unpleasant. The Italians were all outside screaming and singing Italian folk songs or something and I just wanted them to S H U T U P but I was too sick to get up. Then finally it began. I suddenly jumped out of bed for my little bucket and let rip. It was almost comical - I couldnt have made a vomiting sound that loud or gross had I tried jockingly. Complete silence. The Italians didnty have any songs left now. That shut them up. I wonder what they thought was happening in that bungalow? Anyway they must have run away because I had a few hours of blissfull silence to lie on the bed and rest. I self administered some antibiotics (my good friend Noroxin, dont leave home without it kids)
Started to feel much better after 48 hours. Takes a long time for the digestive system to return to is former strength, but I passed through Moctezumas revenge relatively unscathed. I also got to see what bile looks like which was interesting.
Not the most pleasant note to end my sweet Pacific dreams, but it was almost needed to bring my head down out of the cloudss. I probably would have stayed there forever living on the beach and selling homemade chocolate cake to tourists to get by.
This story obviously left everyone speechless!
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