hot rocks, melted shoes
I joined a scrabble of tourists to climb the volcano El Pacaya (Volcan El Pacaya). Volcanoes seem like the earth´s pimples to me, when the planet was going through its awkward adolescence millions of years ago, it was covered in nasty erupting volcanoes all over the place. But now that it has settled into its early 20´s, like myself, it is only prone to the occasial outburst. There are 5 catagories of volcanoes, Pacaya being the type (4) that has small eruptions every few days when it is active. Luckily, when we went there was still lava flowing from a recent eruption, and I was able to get real close (close enough that I smelt the rubber soles of my Merrels start to melt!) There were some friggin´ hot rocks between the cracks of the pathway leading up the side of the cauldron. I dropped back well behind the group to enjoy the tranquility and solitude of the natural environment there, without being molested by the constant prattleing of brain dead tourists, who cant seem to ever shut up for even a minute to soak anything up! The views down into the valley were awesome - black, scarred volcanic rock dropping away into a steep green valley which stretched down for thousands of feet into a hazy golden dusk. From the top it really did look like Mordor (I was scanning for orcs but we were lucky that day) I know that Mordor doesnt actually exist. Really I do.
Overcoming my fear of horses
I have fire in my mouth
Sky Dragon
Descent into Mordor

Maybe not
Have arrived in Lago Atitlan now. Spending a few days in Santa Cruz and working my way round the lake I guess until I get to San Pedro, Guatemala´s bohemian backpacker event horizon. Good place to exit and head up to Xela (Shey-la).
How pookle pooky pookington,
We just touched down in San Cristo Bel this evening. First place I´ve actually had to wear a jacket since arriving. Thinking of heading down to Tikal on your advice and also Mana wants to visit San Pedro if we have time. How long are you in Guatey before heading south fatso? Keep us posted essay!
Yeah San X is bien frio my friend. No shortage of fluffy mayan jackets to buy though (those strippy ones?) I will be squating in guatey till the end of the month, and being a leaping type of month I believe that is roughly a week from today, being the 23rd. (Did you know that a person born in a leap year is known as a leapling?) Ah well I guess im trying to exit out into El Salvador or Honduras in a week or so. If you guys are coming down though in the next few days maybe I could change plans? A cool idea would be to meet in Semuc Champey, a natural rockpool formation that is a few hours south o Tikal. I was going to pass through ther on my way back across the country. Its a strange loop shape (my travel that is)
Hey fatso,
we´re in San Marcos and thinking of heading to the waters for a little meditation and aleviation (or however you spell it) before heading to the volcanos and the ruinas on our way back out of the country. Poos about the robbery business amigo. Hope you didn´t loose anything that you can´t do without. Gotta judo chop them little bendego banditos hombre! We´re i Guat till around the 3rd I think. Hope we can catch up or at least espy a Pukey sandal print on our travels. Take care dude and good luck to you as you head further south into this tropical paradise!
love and peace,
Dude, im in Sanata Cruz. Im heading to San Marcos next! I have already been there but it is a weird story.
see you there okay
Hey Luke!! Sorry I haven't posted anything for ages! But I've been well-updated, thanks!!
I had no idea you feared horses. well, at least you certainly have overcome it! That picture of you gently stroking the horse reflects an act of kindness, warmth and love, which I believe must have melted the 'frozen' fear in your heart! I'm also awed by the picture of the still lake. And the children look so sweet and innocent don't they ?
Just to update you a bit on my life, we're moving house in April. Thanks again for your well-chosen theme for the CD "The Interior Horizon". All the tracks have been completed. We have also done the artwork, which is really beautiful now as opposed to the original version that I showed you. The next step is to organise a fundraiser in May and the CD launch will take place on 14 and 15 July, at the Annual Conference. As you know, the proceeds will go towards AIDS hospices. Are you gonna be here Luke ? Btw, Elizabeth has sung in one of the songs and she did it so beautifully.
Luv ya,
Sin Sin
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